Now we get to the advanced stuff... The Menu Manager is a module to lets you create virtually any kind of navigation system. There are already three templates with your default installation. For most users these are enough, as a menu basically is just an unordered list that is styled with CSS.

Probably this is all you need to know, use the template simple navigation for normal list menus (what used to be called bulletmenu in previous versions) or cssmenu for dropdown menus. Like this in your template: {menu template='simple navigation'}. Then don't forget to add a stylesheet to your page template where you put the CSS for the menu! Also be aware that the cssmenu template is using some JavaScript for Internet Explorer that you need to add to your site.

But for those who are adventurous or skilled enough, you can customize the menu templates and add new ones with the Menu Manager. You can use either file templates that you upload with FTP or database templates (by importing file templates or add new ones directly to the database).

Menu Manager in the CMSMS Admin Panel

Read more about how to do this in the help for the Menu Manager in the CMSMS Admin Panel. It's found in the Extensions menu.



Category: General
Posted by: admin
AMSE 2009 has finished. Thanks to everyone for making this a great conference! We hope to see you next year in Orava (Slovakia) for AMSE 2010. Conference proceedings will be published shortly.