AMSE 2009 has finished. Thanks to everyone for making this a great conference!
We hope to see you next year in Orava (Slovakia) for AMSE 2010. Conference proceedings will be published shortly.>

12th International Scientific Conference
AMSE 2009
Applications of Mathematics and Statistics in Economy
August 27 - August 28, 2009
Uherské Hradiště, Czech Republic
organized by
Matej Bel University, Faculty of Economics, Department of Applied Informatics, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
The University of Economics, Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, Department of Statistics and Probability, Prague, Czech Republic
Wroclaw University of Economics, Department of Statistics and Economic Cybernetics, Wroclaw, Poland
The University of Economics, Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, Department of Statistics and Probability, Prague, Czech Republic
Wroclaw University of Economics, Department of Statistics and Economic Cybernetics, Wroclaw, Poland
Applications of mathematics and statistics in economy.
To acquaint the participants of the conference with the latest mathematical and statistical methods that can be used in solving theoretical and practical economic problems. The presentation of research results achieved by the participants in this field.