AMSE 2009 has finished. Thanks to everyone for making this a great conference!
We hope to see you next year in Orava (Slovakia) for AMSE 2010. Conference proceedings will be published shortly.>
Conference venue is reachable by train, bus or car.By train or bus
From Prague: Staré Město (part of Uherské Hradiště) is situated right on main line from Olomouc to Břeclav (Bratislava, Wien), so it is very easy to get there by any train and continue to Uherske Hradiste by local connection. Best direct connection from Prague to Uherské Hradiště is express number Ex 525 starting from Prague hl. n. 13:09 and arrival to Uherske Hradiště is 17:04. To homeward way (to Prague) you can use direct connection again. The number of the train is Ex 526 Mojmír and starts from Uherské Hradiště 10:51 (arrival to Prague 14:56) – every day.Do not use bus connection due close road in Bučovice. I is longer and less comfortable.
From Wroclaw: There is no direct connection from Wroclaw to Uherské Hradiště. Best way is express nr. R 83106 starts 10:35 from Wroclaw to Katowice, there take train EC 105 Sobieski (14:09) to Staré Město (17:13) and there just local connection.
To homeward way is possible to use the same way. EC 104 Sobieski starts from Staré město at 10:42 and in Katowice you can change train to express nr. R 38107 (departure 14:34) – every day.
Bus connection is not available.
From Banská Bystrica: There is no direct connection from Banská Bystrica to Uherské Hradiště, but from Zvolen is. Best way is take the bus from Zvolen at 14:30 which is in Uherské Hradiště at 18:40. To homeward way is possible to use bus from Uherské Hradiště at 9:35 to Uherský Brod and there change for bus to Zvolen at 10:50 – only Sunday.
By car
From Prague: Road in Bučovice (25km before Uherské Hradiště) is closed. You must use trafic diversion. Best way is continue on highway to exit 226, there turn left in the direct of Rousínov (road nr. 430) and about 2 km turn left again and go across high way in direct of Kučerov or Bohdalice. There continue to through Kozlany to Nesovice and there take road E50 direct to Uherské Hradiště. You can see the map.
From Wroclaw: You have to get to Olomouc (remember you need sticker to use highway in Czech republic – one week 220 CZK). From Olomouc continue in the direct of Přerov, next Hulín, Otrokovice and finally Uherské Hradiště. You can see map.
From Banská Bystrica: Use border crossing Starý Hrozenkov and continue across Uherský Brod to Uherské Hradiště. You can see the map
The location of the conference venue is depicted on the following map.